Sunday, July 25

This blog is officially dead.
But not my fanatic highs for Calvin..
imma gonna create another blog.
IF u wanna know den ask me okies....
Ja ne!^^
doctor reviews
Monday, June 7
loves you Loads. <3
we celebrated by going to SEoul Garden.
I am Full... and we all smell like *Seould Garden*.
Haha. very weird and my mother is sick of the smell.
SHe complained about the service also
Said that the waiter ad manager was tryin to make them leave ASAP
because there were other customers waiting for tables.
oh well...
Next we went to look for my SHOES!
yay... went to BATA but didn't really find any that i like.
And when we did there was no size for me.
Hey, is my ffet that big?
seems like that have size 6 left for almost all the shoes.
Sad.. i loved this pair of black and pink shoes.
but no size.. argh!
Then we gave up searching in BATA and went to Royal Sport_____
beside BATA. they were having discounts but i think its till too X.
so in the end we went to Sportslink.
They were gonna close but we just went in. Hehe.
inthe end my father and i saw a pair Blue and Yellow Nike Shoes.
Damn nice colour combination but i didn't really know if it would suit the outfits i wore to school everyday.
But i dun care. i Tried it on and it was comfy.
and i liked the color anyway..
so no time to be picky, the shop's gonna close.
YAY!!! New Nike Shoes!..
tmr imma wear it!
PEACE.. nite.
Hope i'll dream of calvin.
and oh yea!!!
i bought my mother a Digital Weighing Machine.
She asked for it the 2 days b4 her birthday...
den we came back and weigh ourselves...
can't say i'm happy with my weight.
So imma keep it a secret. tho my friends know.
oh well...
My family realy are on the Overweight side..
better watch what we eat.
or mayb its because we went to Seoul Garden.
lol...i'm making excuses.
doctor reviews
Wednesday, June 2
Today for RWPS(report writing and presentation skills)
we need to do citations...
HATE doing citations.
We had to upload it to the system by 1pm.
we started at 9.50am...
somehow i think there would be enough time.
BUT no.. there wasn't enough time for the others.
i skipped citing for internet and just upload it because its almost 1pm...
some of my classmates didn't send becaus ethe portal was closed
it was already over 1pm...
Sooo we were supposed to have our lunch break at 12pm but all were too busy doing that citation thing.
Almost everyone came late for the next lesson..
And most came in with empty stomach...
others stayed outside the class (out of the teacher's sight) to gobble down their snack.
some bought food from polar cafe... just beside the classroom.
LUcky for me, i brought my own snack. ^^
Tuna Sandwich.
its crused/flattened in my bag. yum........~~

doctor reviews
Tuesday, June 1
Yesterday was Vaish's birthday...
Bought Cake and celebrated during the last lesson.
the teacher (Agnes Wong) so nice.... and let us take up her lesson time to celebrate..
And we are still able to go back home early in the end =D
We bought cake from polar..
damn nice and its Chocolate.. haha.
i've never really taste "nice" cake before.
usually we buy those from normal bakery shops nearby..
But i've tried one from Bangawan Solo.
Suuper nice. yum. i oni prefer chocolate.
i didn't buy any present for Vaish.
I made Cookies! Chocolate Chips cookies.
with help from my mother. since she's the expert.
i made one bottle for vaish. Wraped in orange.(her fav colour)
and another smaller bottle for the class to eat.
There were soo many lefovers.. and 1 BIG container of cookies at home.
i still can't rotate the picture.
Vaish said that it tasted a bit like Famous Amos. mum would like to hear that..
then she'll bake more to sell them for Hari Raya.
I better watch myself and try my best to not eat too much cookies.
Because i ain't gonna stop trying to lose more weight.
losing 45kg is still not enough somehow.
Calvin better support me.
He's my supporter! haha.
=.=" i'm dreaming.

doctor reviews
Saturday, May 29
I went to Zoe's house just now...
for those who don't know zoe....
for some reason i can't rotate this picture....
Like good students....
we studied and did homework...=D
Like distrcted teenagers....
we dance around and laughed a lot...=X
AHAHA... lovin it..
Zoe got me addicted to my Calvin all over AGAIN.
Calvin, saranghae, wo ai ni, ti amo.....
can say that its its a good thing that i'm being reminded about my hidden "crush" for him.
because he is about to chase another girl in a drama....or so i've heard.
And specially for those who don't know Calvin and have been wondering.
He's from Fehrenheit/Fei Lun Hai.
but now his hair is actually short...
missed this hair tho.
Cause i like him with this hair in the first place.
Since the day i've watch Romantic Princess.
which is sooo long ago.
haiz..... when will i ever meet him...
Sooo...other than drooling...
We Also Did Some Dancing...
Zoe thought me how to dance to the song her camp seniors danced to.
The dance was cool...
Then NOT wanting to continue with our "study".
We decided to dance somemore...haha.
Chose a song and try to make our own moves.
soo in the end we were dancing to the songs:
Tick Tock by Ke$ha
Down by Jay Sean
kindda catchy...
today was a memorable day.
It was fun
i finally found back the feeling i've lost a long time ago...
That feeling like i can dream of anything i want...
with Calvin of course...
like that feeling when i got encouraged to lose weight ...
just so someday somebody could piggyback me...
you see! suuper dreamy now...=D
happi happy happie!

doctor reviews
Saturday, May 22
Here's a few thing i missed out this week.
My IDEA group became a "Mystery Shopper".
We were given a check list so that we could evaluate the Experience we have
while going shopping... HAHA
something like that.
We chose 3 stores.
1) Burger King
2) Courts
3) Ice Lemon Tree??
Burger King:
-Ate there and examine thier customer service.
-I damn full sia...
-Burger KIng rocks!
2) Courts:
- Good Service
- Me and Kenlia Pretend to lokk for my brand of phone which is LG BLV20.
and i totally know that they don't sell it in Courts.
- So we kindda lied and cause the promoter to waste his time walking around finding the brand we "wanted".
- I feel bad but not so... haha
- The others were doing their own "lies". At the Printer/ Printer Ink Section.
- Although I don't think they were really lying because Yunita actually bought a Printer...
< We had wanted to go to Red2( a clothes store) next but we don't really like the clothes there.>
3) Ice Lemon Tree?? its ILT outside the store... (a clothes store)
- Their clothes are suuper nice but Damn EX.
-But at least some of them are having a 50% discount.
- Luckily i didn't buy anything there.
-but i did try on some clothes... for fun..
-since we have to do a checklist on them.
-their customer service is good.
-Yunita almost Bought a$70 dress!
- but when she was about to pay, she realised that her Card is gone.
-soo Kindda Paise, cause we stayed there for a long time while Yunita tried on the dress but didn't but any.
-HAHA... in the end, her card was in her wallet.
- ohwell... kindda saved her from buying thedress.
(talk about luck!)

doctor reviews
Thursday, May 20

doctor reviews
Sunday, May 16
Yesterday we (Kelly, Zoe, Me) were very mean......
Syafiqah got pranked by us...
(the one in blue)
i made Okonomiyaki
(so common i know)
Then before syafiqah arrives...
we were all planning to put this yellow icing
(those sweet sugary toppings on cakes)
on to syafiqah's share of the okonomiyaki i made
it was damn hilarious.
she asked
"whats this yellow thing?"
kelly replied\
"oh, cheese"
then kelly turned away tryin not to laugh
the funny thing is that Pika continues eating it...
trying not to make any comments
but her face shows it all
she didnt want to be rude by saying that the food sucks
hua!! sooo nice....
then we told her and she just glared at us
mostly at kelly...HAHA
Me and kelly tried it...
It tasted like roti prata with sugar...
not so bad...
but weird...
soo thats it... my pizza (okonomiyaki)
turns sweet...=D
next! i shall make cream puffs!
WIF MAYOnaise inside..

Thursday, May 13
today class ends at 12+
then the whole class took class photo...
Then the girls stayed back to take some more class pics for fun.
After that my IEB grp (Kenlia,Me,Wei Kang & Vaish) went to bugis!!
we were supposed to do a survey, asking the sopkeepers some qns.
but i think we were mostly walking around looking for checkered blouse,
for our whole grp to wear for presentation this fri.
Then! In the end.....
we didn't buy anything....
kindda sad actually cause i was anticipating the whole grp thing...=(
so sad...
i wish i had bought it.
cause the reason why we didn't buy is because we have something checkered at home.
but mine is tooo fancy for school.
I don't feel like wearing fancy dresses to school.
i'll be looking like an anime character or a korean doll
tho i really liked it a lot!
just not for school...haiz... should i wear it???
or sould i buy another normal checkered blouse.
which is totally not fancy as my long blouse/dress...
but i seriously want the whole grp to wear something common.
we have a grp name
its actually from our names...
only retards won't understand ow it came about.
WEI-wei kang
it sounds soo odd at first but then i think its fine.

doctor reviews