Thursday, January 15

Now i'm a Naruto fan.
YAYA...soolate den now watch...hehe
how would i know that its damn amazing. thx to YuHui...for telling me too watch.
she said its better than Bleach.
But i watched bleach first before naruto.
lurve the characters and the storyline.
heck! isn't that why ppl watch it anyway.....
hehe...gotta go now.
Damn A.math, HOW TO DO!!!!!!?????
Sunday, January 11
I've got a very frustrating problem with my internet connection.
The internet light on the modem keep either blinking green light or just turned red.
It keeps goin like this and most of the times its red and i cant get any internet connection.
well, i called for help. And he'll be here on Mon to check . 4pm- 6pm.
If can i want it to be earlier but i'm on phototaking duty for the O Level's results released thing.
At least i could watch the "Drama" that MR Suhaimi (my Mother Tounge Teacher) called which involved the 3 face expression that MR tyrus Chua explained.
first one is the Happy faces for those who got more than wad they expected, second, the sad/unhappy ones who probably regret not studying harder and lastly the neutral ones, who is either too happy or too Sad to show any expression.
Anyway, i look forward to seeing their reactions.
Yesterday, there the Sec one orientation with their parents.
photography club got a brilliant sign up of about 4o!!!!!
WOW. i cant actually believe it. i guess its thanks to the boys. they were pulling kids to our booth like crazy. but most of them came to sign up by themselves.
this batch has a lot of ppl who love to snap around i think. Just hope they got that talent also. Not like me. Huahaha.
ANd they better turn up!!
Gamelan got about 20 ppl. most of them gurls.
I hope more will be interested to join when they have their music lessons already.
Last time i got interested in gamelan just after 1 music lesson.
This year nid to practice more for SYF and i'm playing Bonang. important instrument wif ashikin.
She told me that she want me to be the one playing bonang for SYF but i really dun actually want to. i mean playing the bonang means that you hav to be there in all the practices. least one of us that is.
remedials are comin and this year i dun wanna try to skip them like last year.
this is An important year!!! teachers keep saying that.
i gotta entertain some guest. Cya!!
~*~ Sweet devil Sweeping away~*~