Monday, December 21
A THANK YOU message!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
++ to my parents++
Thank you for the never ending happiness you guys gave me an my sisters.
Thank you for having thought of me, everytime you see something that i would want/like.
Thank you for the Holiday Trips you've planned and kept money aside for.
Thank you for thinking of whats best for me.
Thank you for creating smiles on our faces.
Thank you for planning the days' activity so that we won't get bored this school holiday.
Thank you for being yourself, the fun loving parents of all time.
(although you're fierce but i know its for our own good.
Thank you for being the BEst parents Ever!!!
Sunday, December 20
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got a notebook!!
Haha. At the electronics fair at Suntec City. Its a White LG notebook and it comes with loads of free gifts!
-notebook cooler
-cleaning kit
-and free upgrade to the latest Windows 7!!!!!!!!!!
currently using Windows Vista.
My parents spent a lot at the fair.
Bought air-cons...replace the now old and leaking air-con.
That includes mine too!!!
Happiness!!! because my air-con has been blowing HOT air instead of cold since a few years ago.
They also bought some kind of cool vacuum cleaner so that it would be easier for me to vacuum the house......
BUT after getting the notebook, I am prepared to repay by becoming a 24/7 housekeeper!!!
I Shall not complain............
~The lady sweeps away to happy land~