Tuesday, September 2
like the usual me i guess......i dun post he eent on the dAY it REALY happened...haha
it was two days ago,which is a Sunday...
we went swimming ad i was wearing swimming costume and a t-shirt over it...
the t-shirt loks like a part of the swimming costume...
but becuz of the zippers in front the lifeguard kindda asked me to get out of the pool...
and not to wear that kind of atire.....i was like =.=".............ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!
the last time i went swimming there there was noone who realized...
sooo i was annoyed and frustrated whe getting out of the pool....i was oni in it for about 1 min or lesser.....
den i just sulked and sulked beside my dad....who did'nt noe wad to do....
feel like stucking my tounge at that guys face...
my mum came and i explained wad happened.....den just sit there staring at my sisters and cousins splashing happily........
about 20 mins later................FINALLY!!!!! someone found an idea which i realy did'nt tink off cause was too busy being angry.
my mum told me to go bak and get her "swimming t-shirt" (something like a long sleeves t-shirt for swimming).
soo i was feeling slightly happier even tho i should have thought of that in the first place....surprised that i did'nt.
Believe it or not....i went out wearing the attire which is stil a bit wet cause i went in inside the pool for a while den wrap a towel around my waist and went out to the carpark just like that.
my dad drove me bak home...
embarassingly i just waited in the car until i see noone outside the lift so that i could just go up alone....when noone is there i just dash out and into the lift....
got to the 11th floor.................
[JUST when i tot nothing could get ay worse]
ahhhh..........the lift open and there stood like about 4 chinese boys (2 whom i tot was good-looking) staring at me..........awkard!!!!!!!!!
my face was really red............wad such fate that day....when i walk away they were laughing...
secretly but its soo obvious....
i guess i could noe instantly if someone is talking r laughing bout me......too much experience.
went bak already i wore my mom's swimming t-shirt thing and it was so god damn big.
but at least i can swim. better then doing nothin....
i guess i'l cut the story short.....
i swam.
i ate.
i feel tired.
i played too much.
den went to causeway fo dinner..........
went bak home...
end of sunday....
glad that i get to do something before ramadan which is the next day.
end of story....time for break fast liao...30 more mins..
gona help my maid serve.
SELAMAT HARI RAYA PUASA to all muslims!!
and HAPPY HOLS to all............
Sunday, August 31
i was supposed to post this YESTERDAY.but was too busy eing sick...
Coughing and sneezing non stop...damn dust...i was coughing in the morning but the sneezing when i tried to fix my SPOilD Keyboard...
soo my nose kindda caught wif those dust behind the COm and the WindoW..
BUT i WAs ReaLLy HAppy!!!
THE keybard is finaly Fixed.! it was "spoiled" for like About 6 months....
buT it only Took less than 5 MINS today...
actualy.... it got nothing to do wif the keyboard...
omG...IF ONI i noe....a lONg TIme ago....I DUn haV TO sUFFeR fOR moNThS...
soo tts the hapoy news...tho i stil hav the flu....
THe BE YOURSELF DAY was fun....
we played games...our class theme is in the HOSPITAL.
Early in the mOrning Kelly, the YOke SISters and e were hanging out in my room waiting for HUi XIa....who is lending her mom's office clothes to us...
We were suposed to meet at my house at 6.30 am...but we waited for HUi Xia and she's not awake yet...
called her. and she probably rushed like hell...lol....
while waiting for her kelly played maple...WAH! Stil got Time YAh...haha
bout 7.10 am ...finaly Hui Xia showed up...
Argh..everybody rushed her and there....changing to her mom's clothes...
yoke teng was damn CUTE!!!
wearing that fluffy white top...and skirt...
she was kinda frustrated a little cause the skirt was short and she cant sit properly.....
anyway.....just thank hui xia for the clothes..
if not 'll come in jeans and normal shirt..sooo BOring..
wE ReachEd School..yay good thing we're not late. i got the White Coat but then Miss Loke need it for the models who went up the stage...something like that...
soo i had no idea where it went den....
Till i saw NIcole and Hao ren wearing white coat...but duno which is mine...tot NIcole wore it..
soo SAd..i bring the coat but did'nt get to Wear it....iN the End den Found out the one NIcole wearing is Miss loke's one And mine is wif Haoren..
ANd did'nt even take picture wearing it....waaaaaaa.....cry liao.
but nvm...
As LOng As Everyone HAppy...