LEt me Tell Ya' all a STORY.......
Once Upon a time....

at the sky ....
leaving behind pink clouds from the setting Sun ,
welcoming the night...

She closed her eyes and imagine a wedding photoshoot,
With those magnificent clouds filling up every space of happiness and
inside the photo....
She opened her eyes and sighed
'when will it happen? I wish my Prince Charming will appear...'


She Saw HIM!.....
An Angel.
He was Big.
water flows down his Body as he posed.
He looked So refreshed.....
and Cuddly like a Bear?.
'OMG' she spoke softly

The Woman followed him like a Stalker.
And Saw him singing in a KTV.
His Voice Was full of Clarity.
So MAnly.
but kindda Off-tune.

She took her chances and sat beside him.
Singing with him in her melodious voice....
She saw her Destiny.....

The first: A Childish bragger.

The Third: She TAlks Crap all the time.
And dances along to the song DANCING QUEEN.
She also has Serious Multiple Personality Disoder.
She cute and adorable....attracting ppl's attention.
BUT do not let her cuteness get to you...SHE CAN KICK BUTT!!!
I love my FAmily........we were at Changi Beach having sports activities like Badminton and Bowling organized by my DAd's company..
Quite Fun.....We did went to KTV and sing with his friends.....
He called himself and his Friends 'The Selengar Brothers'.
Well i guess i dun have much to say....the story is kindda short.....
well den....Chirio!! TooDleS....
i really hope my dad won't get mad......=D