Thursday, May 13
today class ends at 12+
then the whole class took class photo...
Then the girls stayed back to take some more class pics for fun.
After that my IEB grp (Kenlia,Me,Wei Kang & Vaish) went to bugis!!
we were supposed to do a survey, asking the sopkeepers some qns.
but i think we were mostly walking around looking for checkered blouse,
for our whole grp to wear for presentation this fri.
Then! In the end.....
we didn't buy anything....
kindda sad actually cause i was anticipating the whole grp thing...=(
so sad...
i wish i had bought it.
cause the reason why we didn't buy is because we have something checkered at home.
but mine is tooo fancy for school.
I don't feel like wearing fancy dresses to school.
i'll be looking like an anime character or a korean doll
tho i really liked it a lot!
just not for school...haiz... should i wear it???
or sould i buy another normal checkered blouse.
which is totally not fancy as my long blouse/dress...
but i seriously want the whole grp to wear something common.
we have a grp name
its actually from our names...
only retards won't understand ow it came about.
WEI-wei kang
it sounds soo odd at first but then i think its fine.

doctor reviews
Sunday, May 9
My mother has a name.
Many call her Yati.
She cooks she cleans, she does everything.
She loves, She cares, She scolds also.
From what I know, She loves Tako.
And though she’s fierce,
With a frown on her face
She’ll laugh so hard
And brighten the place.
Her favourite thing is minyak angin.
Anyone kacau her, she’ll naik angin.
She likes to play the games in her phone.
And when she’s playing, she’s always alone.
She have 3 daughters.
Diana, Natasha and Emelia Eddie
Just like her,
All plum and sweet.
Sometimes she’s angry and won’t respond.
But we all know it won’t be long
Because she’s our mother
And she loves us all...