Monday, March 29
Today i went to Singapore poly to get my student card. The procedure took a VERY SHORT time. started at about 9:15am and ended 15 mins later... just needed to get my picture taken and then collect the packing list of the DMIT camp.
Inside the packing list includes beach wear. Which means we are going to the beach, as stated before, SENTOSA. I am soooooooooo dreading the camp now. Cause i dun wanna get myself another SUNBURN. (already gotten a horrible one from the day we went to the ESCAPE THeme Park.) My skin is already peeling... SHEESH i HATE sunburns. and i wasn't even in the sun for that much long.
Maybe i'll just MIA on that particular day.
AND out on LOADS of SUN BLOCK..... for my own protection you know... i'm been trying to be more fairer not darker....
Dark skin isn't really nice though i've never had any trouble making friends with INdians...thats because i oni care about my skin not others.
kk...wanna go SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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