Saturday, May 8
I actually managed to somehow make a new skin!
altho not all on my own since i just edited from my old blogskin. HEHE!
hmmm..just had a good idea.(to me its good la)
Everytime i admire a music grp, i'll change the blogskin.
Sincrea is all over.
I made Okonomiyaki Diana's style/version just now!
my auntie and cuz came to visit today hence thay want to know thw recipe.
I feel like a chef in a japanese food cooking programme.
will still learn more about html an stuff.
then i'll be able to make great blogskins for others.
we can upload it at in .
But of course i'm still too amateur to make anything nice.
Shall now read "The HOST" by Stephenie Meyer.
~sincrea rules~

doctor reviews
Imma gonna try something funny.
Try saying Alpha kenny Body many many times.
what you hear??
ah you pervert sia! lol
i saw one of "kevjumba" vid and he tried this trick on his father.
I wanna try trick my classmates.
Those who read this and understood dun spoil the fun.
Keep quiet..=p
kk gonna sleep and tomorrow need to send my sis to religious class.
ah....need to wake up early~ sad.
i was hoping to wake up late on sats.
oh well...more time to revise!!!

doctor reviews
Thursday, May 6
OK. I had a weird dream.
I rarely have any dreams/nightmares.
so it was sorta exciting for me. lame la i know.
ok here's what i dreamt.
I lived in a big house wif my whole family.
And my father had some issues with his friend/enemy.
And his friend decided to kidnap my sister.
Then the whole house went panic.
Cry and cry.
Then my another sister got kidnapped also.
Apparently we still had no idea who is the culprit.
Then my father found out that its his friend.
But then his friend kidnapped my mother.
Then i remembered that i kindda like spy or tried to find my family.
Then when i found them, they were unconcious.
The kidnapper wanted to shut my mouth cause i keep crying(dunno why)
& i keep scolding him and his wife.
he wasn't alone in this.
there was shouting and more crying.
Then my father arrived.
Saw me and fight wif his friend.
then the worst thing happened!
i just have to go to the toilet.
and it was already 7.30am.
forced to wake up.
in the end i didn't know the ending.
I've tried u know!
in the toilet i try to go back to sleep.
frustrated. I stopped dreaming at the climax.
so thats about my dream.....
Today i went to an audition for theater compass.
I didn't planned on going because i know what cca i wanted to join already.
But then Vaish was going so i felt like accompanying her.
just to see what they would be doing.
Intheend....i also sat down and read the script.
Then when it was my turn i acted. TRY to act.
Not really sure if i did good.
The amazing thing is that i actually did project my voice.
This actually made me recall back the time i went to
"campus superstar" audition.
Which is suuper scary. and i was alone in the queue.
The script was preety funny.
i liked it.
i think i do like to act.
hmm...mybe i'll join theater compass.
haiz... maybe it'll be fun.
Vaish was good at acting, from outside i saw her walking and waving her hands.
For me, i just stood there.
cause i was supposed to be talking to a friend on the phone.
but pretending that i like my friend.
k... now i'm in the library actually.
Gonna have chinese lesson later till 7.30.
Zai Jian!

doctor reviews
Wednesday, May 5
I've changed a lot since i started POLY.
Suprises me actually .
Now i talk more and have more iniciative.
Like i'll just talk random stuff and won't feel awkward about it.
Even to boys.
In short... i'm no longer shy.
Unlike in my secondary school days
So damn quiet in class
So damn hyper outside class
Hence my sec 3/4 classmates (excluding my close frens) would describe me as quiet/shy.
While my best friends would probably say i'm active.
My parents were usually shock when they saw my teacher's comments about me.
they say, "What?! U Quiet?! the teacher is lying la. U're very talkative at home. cannot shut up."
*something like that*
Never judge a person by their looks.
My fav phrase. So true.
or is it Never judge a book by its cover.
same meaning la.
just now met Nicole and went back together.
She's still into Shinee.
Suuper Loyal. haha.
I wish i have that loyal-ness in me too.
right now i'm not in the mood of k-pop.
Now i'm into J-ROCK!!
haha.. is there such a thing?
i just made it up oni.
soo just introducing a band i've just discovered.
KAZI (Drums) | HAL (Vocal) | HIRO (Bass) | TOMO (Guitar)
They released their first album in 2007.
My fav songs from them are there 2:
-Sakura Maichiru Kisetsu ni Kimi ga Yume Mitakoto
-Garasu No Namida
Truthfully i don't like them at first glance. They look like girls and they have piercings.
But Hal-san hav a cool powerful voice!!! I love their J rock fashion/costumes.
The hair is suuper Awesome.
Like anime characters. lol
Their song " Sakura maichiu kisetsu ni kimi ga yume mitakoto" is what you're listening to now from the playlist if your com is not lagging.

doctor reviews
Tuesday, May 4
I downloaded Firefox just because i could customize it.
BUT i think i like Internet Explorer better... for now IE is faster than firefox.
The CCA showcase is over.(since a long time ago).
Truthfully, i joined 7-8 CCAs (although my friend joined more than 10) lol
.... just wanted to get the notifications and see what events they are having...
but in the end i've confirmed 2...(after much serious deep thoughts)
1)Japanese Cultural Club!!!!!!
they've already sent an email of the events. i wanna go register!! must be active and get CCA points!Thats just one reason why i wanna be active, the other one is to make friends...
such a damn common, everytime, everyday wish.
" To make friends."
2)Student Exchange Club >_<
LIke any other Year 1s out there, I want to go overseas. hmm...
hah... well... thats what i hope for lol.
[crazy, the school would go bankrupt]
Just now i went to my not-so-favorite shopping mall (AGAIN) to buy my mother's day present.
Kindda wasted my time walking around aimlessly eating Hot Fudge =p.
Then i thought: "Why not just bake a cake for her! *kaching*"
Then i had another thought: "oh man, she'll totally know.... when i'm messing around in the kitchen"
(its supposed to be a surprise see)
Then i thought again: "eh! i dunno how to bake a cake le!"then i passed outside a cool shop (dunno the name, somewhr beside 7th street) & saw a pretty _______________.
IN the end i bought that.
The cake can wait. Maybe do a trial then let the class share. Too bad for those who dun have any health might just die from food poisoning. =)
oh! i saw someone hiding behind my laptop.
Omg la... KAWAII!~~~
Sometimes i feel like bringing her to school.

doctor reviews
SO! I'm Back!!! Really WILL update my blog from NOW onwards... Why is that so???
ANS: Because i've already started poly (4 those who didn't know) and everyday i'll be facing my screen to study/ play/ chat/ blog.
Hence the switch reminding me to update my blog will be on most of the time. =p
Just a Short msg from me today.... tired from all the editing i've done to my blogskin and everything.
till next login! sayoonara & oyasumi-nasai. (^_^)

doctor reviews