Friday, March 20
so long haven update.
well...i probably totally forgot that i had a blog.
Anyway...i'm planning to update more just to released my StRESS.
Gamelan SYF is around the corner.... 23 april held in Republic PoLy.
if anyone is interested to come pls do.
its in the morning so u hav to wake up early.
oh wait~? Is It a SchOol Day??
Ah..i hope not...dun wanna miss any lessons.
my common test just SUCk.
I fail 4 subjects...although i didn't fail that bad but....its still bad.
I've also been watching koreAn DraMa nowadays...another GreAT Way to released STRESS.
The hottest Korean Drama rite now is...
BOYS OVER FLOWER!!! a korean version of Hana Yori Dango.
so long haven update.
well...i probably totally forgot that i had a blog.
Anyway...i'm planning to update more just to released my StRESS.
Gamelan SYF is around the corner.... 23 april held in Republic PoLy.
if anyone is interested to come pls do.
its in the morning so u hav to wake up early.
oh wait~? Is It a SchOol Day??
Ah..i hope not...dun wanna miss any lessons.
my common test just SUCk.
I fail 4 subjects...although i didn't fail that bad but....its still bad.
I've also been watching koreAn DraMa nowadays...another GreAT Way to released STRESS.
The hottest Korean Drama rite now is...
BOYS OVER FLOWER!!! a korean version of Hana Yori Dango.

i didn't watch the taiwan and jap vesion due to the lack of time and i dun fancy watching a version that is , not Bad, but not as good as the one i'm currently watching. LoVIn Boys Over Flower...LOV LOV LOV it.haha =D
there is also this game which i love to play...
Try It!

Click here to play this game