MY bisthday yesterday was stupendous!!!
huahuahua. Tell me if i spelled it wrong, >.<
came to my house to celebrate with me.
i thought only 4 ppl would come but ending up having more.
SOO happy that they came.
the more the merrier!
I want to thank them all for the cute presents they gav me.
nice!!! hehe.
We ate a Whole LOT!! MUSHROOM CHICKEN NOODLE>>> specially made from my mum...and also PIZZA!!!
hand made form none other then my mum again...haha.
so I THANK MY MUM for all the cooking she has done.!!
Mushroon Chicken Noodle is the Best!!! I made it my NO 1 FAVOURITE food.
When everyone has gone back, and my dad came back from work...my mum told me to serve him food and drinks so that my dad would be somewhat happier when he gave me my preent.
I was sooooo excited and enthusiastic!
I did all the serving. finally my mum and dad called me out of my room.
I was kindda dissapointed when she said that my dad has forgotten to buy me a persent.
but i did tried my best not to show a sad face. but i was really kindda heartbroken. huahuahua.
Anyways......so when i was going a bit Emo there, my mum suddenly told me to get Cream Crackers.
I went to the kitchen and opened the cabinet to get it.
SOOOO SURPRISED when i saw a large wrapped stuff inside the cabinet.
after all that acting scene they had actually bought me a DIGITAL CAMERA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i cried a lot that nite and even had a VERY HARD time to read out the letter my mum wrote to me.
ITs Short but i cried for a long time after i read every sentence.
So its damn hard. the words she wrote were sooooo touching to me!
(from your dearest first Daughter)
SOo to day is a different story.
BLANJA me go watch Harry Potter.
The movie is so Sad.
but i guess i cried too much yesterday soo i dun have any tears left to shed.
Took Pix of them with the new Digital camera.
I'm soo having fun playing with it.
They all share money and bought me a necklace. Kawaii.
they bought it the same place as Fiona. Fiona bought me a cute cat since she knew i love cats so much.
whereas they bought me an Umbrella. a cute bling bling one.haha
Love it!
Well! befoe i cant forget my LIL Coussin who is 15, SAIFUDDIN!
He bought me a new wallet! its white and pink my two fav colours. WOW! how did he know??
and he bought it at the exact right timing bcuz my old wallet is torned....
THX loads!!
Loving this birthday!!
~diana's going hhigh with happiness once again~
there i something with the post thing.... ah NVM.
I wanted to put pics today but i cant.
maybe try again later.
-normal School
-Maths teacher not here so there's a lot of free period..
-Took Pic of Yoke Cheng and KELLY. (CANDID)
-Went to CHEM and PHY Remedial
-too tired to fetch my sis
-Cameback and mum told me to do laundry!!
I hope kelly wont be ANGRYwhen she sees the VID.
This is a god damn HILARIOUS VID of my sisters.
Second sis>> Natasha*the one talking*
Third sis>> Emelia....aka Baby Sumo
well...now i need to go. But adapter for a cd player that my parents won and gave it to me and also a few batteries for my night lamp at WOODLANDS NORTH PLAZA.
just got Scolded by my mum. This time its because i didn't ask for more curry when i buy Prata.
HAHA. I bought 20 prata and had asked for more but somehow the seller probably pretended that she didn't hear.
ohya. don't think my family of 5 eats a lot of prata. Today my cousins, auntie and uncle came. Actually they came yesterday and had a sleepover.
My mum and auntie, they're really close at times. okey...not at times...all THE TIME.
they tell each other EVERYTHING!
such close sisters.......
well..its still early in the morning....
wonder if there's anything i wanna add later.
OH! Here's Something!
Yoke Cheng took a video. And wanted me to poke kelly and record her funny reaction. I poke her and got slapped at the Back 3 times. I'm telling you she's damn strong. better watch out. I've learned my lesson. ;D
Don't get angry kelly...being called a trong girl is a compliment! Hehe. i think you hit harder then my mum. Can hear the slapping sound...Damn Loud.
~running away from kelly now~

kelly & Nicole
well....my birthday's coming and i wanted my friends to come for a sleepover at my house but sadly they can't. So i cancelled it. No BiggIe.
happiness!!! My mum already gave me my present. Which is a Shirt. Its a nice one. she gave me a normal maroon shirt first and had wanted to surprise me with the other shirt on my bday.
however, when she gave me the first shirt, i said something that made her really happy and then she suddenly just couldn't wait to surprise me. So she brought me to her room, told me to shut my eyes tight and surprised me on that very day.
HAHa...The shirt is really soft and pretty. LOVE IT VERY MUCH!!!!! She totally knows my taste.
I LOVE YOU MAMA!!! ARIGATOU!!! my bday is on 24/7 though... See how words can speed up the time. huahuahua.
hope they key in the napha results before i turn 16!!!
~floating in outer space~