Friday, August 15
Me and my Family Went to Terengganu on the day b4 Natioal Day at about 9pm.... we waited at the station where we were supposed to meet the tour bus for the 4 day 3 nite trip.... when the travel bus came were bought it with 2 bags full of clothings........and wadever sorts of stuff. The trip was realy fun and exciting.... BTW....for those who dunno.... Terengganu is much further then Kuala LUmpur and in MALAYSIA... just teling cause some ppl in my class dunno....shockingly.... they probably dun go to Malaysia that much...BORING.... The Bus Driver was a big problem to us bcuz we were sitting rite at the bak and the vibrations of the bus were great at the bak....we were practicaly jumping out off our seats!!!!!!! THE DRIVERS FAULT FOR HIS BAD SENSE OF DRIVING. >.<" like a roller coaster's some pics of the Trip.....
MY cousin and my teddy!
MIne...that i called...Prince White Gerald
long name....
too bad we did'nt get to swim in that swimming pool causewe were waiting for our room key for about 1 hour!!!and den we have to rush and bath fast so that we could be on time to our nxt destination.....OHYAA!!!! this place is called SRI INDAH RESORT,
i got goosebumps in this place because our rooms were facing the sea...a nice view indeed...
BUT! noone was there...WHY? u ask...
Bcuz many many many ppl DIED there...
i'm getting scared just by typing...'s the story...
i was sleeping late at night, reading a book when suddenly the air got chilly there was a LOUD KNOCKING at the window...which is facing the "hunted" sea...
at that time i did'nt know the history of the sea soo i was'nt scared at all.
tot it was insect or ird or wadever....soo i turned on the tv volume louder...
about 5-10 mins later, i heard MORE KNOCKING.
den i feel scared....
cause tot it was a stranger...
but i feel if it was there....
either in the room or rite beside me lying down since the bed was big...
i dare not turn off the TV and just cover my eyes...
in themorning then my mum told me bout that Sea...
and the Tour Guide even asked everyone if there was any diturbance that nite becase he has to report it to the ppl there...
GEE....i will not wanna go there again!
The Fruit Party at one of the ppl on the coach's house...
he lives in Terrenganu also.....As u Can see....Durian Season....actually i tink that is the first time i eaten durian after a long time ago....
'special' reasons.......i can see all the birds flying towards the mosque! a lot of was a nice sight....somewad magical....hehe...
just hoped they dun drop any smelly dirty POOP on my head....
Wednesday, August 13
WRONG!!!!! shuan is my friend and he reminds me of my past.
the good memories i mean. When i was in primary School (Unity Pri Sch).........i remember having quite a lot of male friends... considering amyself a tomboy sometimes......
I miss those friends but sadly we lost contacts and i barely remember their names.
altho i do remember a couple....
wen i entered EVG pri sch.i realy missed them....but i managed to make friends...
AND THEY ARE BOYS....Hilman, Iskandar, Zakaria N Me...
WE will stay back during recess and play 'Crush Gear"...
A game where we made paper crsh gear and push them one by one till one is on top of another and win! lol
a lame gae but fun...and i do remember winning loads of time cause mine is very flat and when the other opponents try to get on top it'll go right over me and fell down the table. we play paper balls and start war during lessons....i miss those times..
buti tink i ruined it....yes's my fault this friendship did'nt last long...
I'm Admitting it...........
I told a secret bout my partners crush and it kindda slip out....
i'm dumb...very dumb....the others did'nt talk to me as much and i'm lonely...
i guess its a very sensative case when we were in primary school about love and crushes...
i tink we did get backbut no longer that close...
i ruined it! it's my fault! i'm Sorry....
NOW i Promise not to Ever tell A Secret Ever again....
NEVER TELL AGAIN! i dun wanna crush friendship anymore....
be true to your words++